Mother holding toddler in arms in a field of wildflowers

Shifting the paradigm


Awaken beyond the conditioning that has kept you pretty, perfect and pleasing so you can mother intuitively and grow your online business holistically

Enter the new paradigm with me...

In business

It’s time to unsubscribe from traditional bro marketing and boss babe HUSTLE culture.

Stop wasting your precious time signing up for those workshops promising you templates on how to make a billion dollars in your sleep and instead start leaning into the templates of your body and nature.

As a woman with a 28-ish day cycle, the templates created BY men FOR men are never going to work.

Especially with a baby on the boob and a sourdough starter that needs to be fed.

In motherhood…

we’ve been taught how NOT to trust ourselves and have normalized raising our children “the way it’s always been done” 

We’ve been praised for over giving, but at the cost of losing ourselves.

Instead we need to model self worth to our daughters and uncover our truest gifts to collectively heal the damage being done to humanity.

Society has taught us to prioritize hustle, production, and urgency over
healing, presence, and connection. 

Many of us have spent a large part of our lives living in a state of survival, or are teetering burnout in real time.

Culturally, mothers are less and less supported with more and more on their plate. Growing up believing our worth was measured by how much we do instead of who we are has set us up for failure.

Mother breastfeeding child

What if I told you that you can thrive in motherhood, instead of merely survive each season? 

What if I told you that you can experience joy in the journey of developing an online business, that fits inside your dream life, instead of hustling hard just trying to create that life?!

Ok, but how?

1:1 Coaching



Thrive definition: to grow and flourish

Thriving in motherhood Is your birthright,
but so is creating a successful + sustainable biz

Both entrepreneurship and motherhood throw you into cycles of creation, and both serve as a catalyst for massive personal development and growth

Unapologetically on a mission to live a life with intention…and eat as many donuts as possible

My second coolest super power after being the best mom to my daughter Aubree is walking with women on their journey of self exploration and biz development.

I believe you can build a sustainable feminine embodied online business without losing yourself in patriarchal motherhood or sacrificing time with your kids.

Nicole Pasveer holding her toddler

Hey, I’m Nicole!