For culture disruptors ready to profit from their truth

Because your weird IS your wealth

She Thrives is a 1-1 portal to unravel, meet + expand your edges, and come out As an embodiment of your WeirdEST, WILDESt, MOST AUTHENTIC SELF

intuitive business development throws you into the unspoken cycles of creation and serves as a catalyst for massive personal development and growth 

In this space, I support you to find yourself while you birth (or rebirth) the foundations of an aligned, regenerative, profitable, online and heart-centred biz  🌹

The women who work with me desire to:

  • create from soul, not ego

  • find balance between strategy and intuition 

  • experience organic, sustainable, burnout proof growth and play with cashmere-to-your-nervous-system kind of marketing strategies/systems  

  • easefully and joyfully attract and serve clients from a place of overflow, not neediness or scarcity

These women are already working through….

  • increasing their capacity for abundance and opening themselves up for receiving

  • uncovering and reclaiming their voice to embody unapologetic self expression, and fully embrace their weirdness so they stop diluting themselves online 

  • exploring their sense of self and spirituality

And they know that: 

  1. Pleasure is their birthright AND so is a successful and sustainable biz 

  2. Their body holds the wisdom 

the depths we might

explore together

  • unlearning and detaching from social contracts 

  • healing and nurturing relationship to money 

  • discerning between obligation and desire 

  • nervous system hygiene tools 

  • cultivating safe self expression and authenticity both online and in-person

  • exploring matrescence and gaining a deeper understanding of Self 

  • using nature and the body as a framework 

  • integrating soul care as an easeful daily practice 

  • reorienting to play + pleasure 

  • And soooooooo much more 💃

Are you ready to step into your purpose and GO ALL IN on your wildest desires with devotion and pleasure?

⚠️ Beware ⚠️

Consider this a sacred portal. Once you enter, you will not come out the same!

She Thrives

Choose your pace


  • Biweekly 90 min calls on zoom + Voxer support between sessions  

  • Perfect for women desiring an entire season(s) of support, and the opportunity to play around with cyclical orientation in real time.

  • Investment – $850 usd per month

    **minimum 3 month commitment


  • 1 x 120 min call on zoom followed by 2 weeks of Voxer support for follow up

  • Perfect for a quick reset, clarity, and sustainable momentum. Think of this as your kick in the butt to finally take inspired action and tune out the noise of what doesn’t fit

  • Investment – $550 usd

    **cost can be put towards the integration package if you choose to extend your mentorship)


  • A month of just Voxer Support

  • Perfect for a more DIY experience without the “oh shit, I’m all alone” feeling. I’m in your back pocket, holding you every step of the way.

  • Investment - $450/month

    **only available for past/existing clients

Want a sample of working with me?

Book a one time ILLUMINATION CALL for only $111

ILLUMINATE BOTH YOUR DESIRES and YOUR BLINDSPOTS, reorient to your vision, and walk away with courage to take inspired action

**Illumination calls are for first time clients only